festive skateFesitveSkate website is live!
This is the real deal. FestiveSkate is dedicated to bringing you the very best of the California coast skateboarding lifestyle. Upcoming content to include; “Skateboard Stories”, “Footy”, “Underdog” , the “SWB” video series, “PermaVaca” series, “Back in the Day” (footage from the Shorty’s/Church of Skatan vaults), “Strange Notes” segments, original art, gear, photos, music, music videos, and much, much more!!
Contributing skaters and artists to include; Erik Hatch, Mike Pugh, Mike Kresky, Robbie Olhiser, George Nagai. Mike Santarossa, Tony Tieu, Alexi Bayly, Ben Kendall, James Rivers, Jason Redwood, Mike Abarta, Meetch Green, Bryan Vanderhyden, Bret Vanderhyden, Spandex Tiger, Living Keys, Ross Norman, Ryan Thomas, Carlos Juarez, J-bird, Thor, Jacob Rodrigue, Jesse Silvey, Sammy Baptista, Kyle Liddle, Jordan Tabayoyon, David Broach, Benny Bermudez, Masaki Itoi, Ricks, SAC crew, Beto Guerrero, Adam Bertolet, Noe Flores, Manabu Kumakura and many more!
Go to FestiveSkate.com to get your fix of the very best in underground skateboarding!
Erik Hatch